Week of July 4 No Wednesday Activities: July 3 | Office Closed: July 4

2024 Kids Camp

Everything you need to know about kids camp can be found here!


Berean Church is excited to take our kids to camp this year! We will be attending the first kids camp offered by the Iowa district, which will take place Monday, July 15th through Friday, July 19th. Berean offers to take children going into 4th-6th grade in the 2024-2025 school year to kids camp. Below is all of the information you need to get registered and be prepared for camp!


*Berean does not have a church group code to register for kids camp

**If you have previously registered kids on CampWise, you will need to use your previous login. Please follow the steps to retrieve your username and password if you do not remember your login.


The quicker you register, the more you save!

EARLY BIRD RATE - $245 (Register by June 20)

REGULAR RATE - $260 (Register by July 7th)

LATE RATE - $280 (Register after July 7th)

If your children are unable to make it to kids camp due to the cost, you can fill out our form below to request financial assistance to make it possible for your child to come to camp!

What is kids camp?

Kids camp is a five day/four night adventure where your children will be engaged in fun activities, team competitions, and most importantly time with God. Camp is different from most other summer experiences, in that it is a break away from all of our regular distractions, with a complete focus on building relationships with others, and drawing closer to God. It will be one of the best weeks of the year!

*Berean Church will be attending Kids Camp 1 (July 15-19)

Departure and Arrival Schedule

Departure - Monday, July 15th

  • 12:45 PM - Check-In and Lice Checks begin in the north lobby
  • 1:15 PM - Children and Parents Meeting (Luggage loaded at this time)
  • 1:30 PM - Depart: Head toward Sunstream Retreat Center

Return - Friday, July 19th

  • 9:30 AM - Depart: Leave Sunstream Retreat Center
  • 10:30 AM - Arrive back at Berean Church

*Please keep an eye out for announcements on our Facebook group for any delays or schedule changes

What to Bring to Camp

Packing List:

  • Clothes for four nights/five days (some may get messy/wet) 
  • Bedding & Pillow (Sleeping bag or bedding for a twin mattress)
  • Towels/Washcloths 
  • Toiletries 
  • Bible & Journal /Pens
  • Close-toed shoes (required for riding zip lines) 
  • Swimsuit 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Bug Spray 
  • Flashlight 
  • Spending money for snacks and camp store 
  • Water bottle

What Not To Bring:

Camp is meant to be a great experience to break away from the normal distractions, and focus on God. Here are some things we ask your children to leave at home to help make the camp experience as great as possible.

  • Cell Phones/MP3 Players
  • Electronics/Game Systems
  • Toys, Knives, Lighters, or Weapons
  • Caffeinated Drinks

Most Asked Camp Questions

1.    When do we bring our children to the church and when do we pick them up?

A)  We will meet at the church; north entrance doors open at 12:45 p.m. and Camper/Parent orientation will be at 1:15 PM in the North Chapel. We will leave at 1:30 PM sharp. The children will return to the church by 10:30 AM on Friday, July 19th. A parent/guardian is REQUIRED to physically check their child in and attend the orientation meeting.

2.    Are the children checked for head lice?

A) It is required that all children are pre-checked twice before coming to camp. We will have a nurse check all the children going to camp on the Sunday, July 7th, or again on Sunday, July 14th, and on Monday morning, July 15th. These safety checks are not an option. Please note these dates and make sure your child has both checks completed.

3.    When is my balance for camp and guardian authorization form due?

A)  All balances will be due online on Sunday, July 14th, (unless we have personally made other arrangements). We do require that parents check their children in before orientation begins.

B) All benevolence funds will be applied by the church by a check when we arrive at camp; if you have discrepancies, please contact me ASAP.

4.    What is the address to the camp and should I send letters?

A)  I would encourage parent letters for the fact that all children love to receive letters. I would encourage you to put “Kids Camp #1” on the back of each letter and not to send any past Wednesday.

It is recommended by the camp that parents refrain from visiting or calling children. A call or visit may promote homesickness instead of help.

Sunstream Retreat Center, 1130 Juneberry Road, Ogden, IA 50212 – ph (855)-846-2772

                 Pastor Matthew’s cell: 515.783.8441

5.    What to do with money and medication?

A)  We ask that all money and medication be put in separate envelopes or bags with the child’s full name on it and then turned in at the check-in desk at the church. All medications must include their original prescription bottle. When at camp, the medication will be dropped off at the nurse’s office. Children have the option to check money into Berean's Camp Bank that will be made available at various times each day of camp. Although there will be a snack bar and a camp store, large amounts of spending money is not necessary. Campers are responsible for their own money during their time at camp.

6.    What to bring?

A)  Each camper will want to bring bedding for a single bed (blankets or sleeping bag), pillow, towels, soap, shampoo, swimsuit and other personal items. Also, bring a Bible, couple of pens, and a note pad. Some children like to bring disposable cameras for pictures. Do remember when packing that the children are responsible for their items, so refrain from bringing items of great value. (We do not allow portable game systems, MP3 players, and cell phones at camp)

7.    What is the dress code?

·     All campers are encouraged to dress modestly and appropriately. Modest shorts may be worn at anytime during camp.

·     Clothing should be of such that the midsection and shoulders are covered.

·     Cover clothing must be worn to and from the swimming pool over the swimming suit.

·     Counselors and leaders will be available to guide campers with any questions about dress code.